About the Client:
This project was a class assignment set up to create a series of signage with whatever message we wanted. The requirement for this assignment was to have a series of at least 6 pieces that go together in order to convey the message of choice and be placed out in the public. These signs did not have any specifications in size or shape.
The Challenge:
My main goal for this project was to create signage that displayed uplifting and inspirational words and tie them to biblical verses to further back up their meaning. I needed to design a number of stickers so that the audience can feel a strong, positive connection toward the positive word and themselves even if their religious background is different than my own. That was the challenge I faced while creating designs that were clear in communicating an uplifting message in a public setting where everyone is different.
Early-Stage Sketches:
My first step was to determine what words would be good for an uplifting message and research different bible verses that fit that term best. I made a list of verses and narrowed them down to what keywords and phrases connected with the word I was referencing it toward.
Since I already had an idea that I was wanting to use "Hello my name is..." stickers as the main format for what the sticker would look like, I started by figuring out different versions of Hello name tags that I thought would look best. Using a layout like a “Hello my name is…” sticker creates more of a personal impact on viewers by calling them the specific inspirational word and would boost their own morale. I also wanted the words in each to have different handwriting styles to add more character to what those words mean from a visual standpoint.
To create signs that the audience can feel a strong, positive connection toward no matter their religious background, I made sure that the verses are smaller than the keyword being referenced so the religious implication is present yet not in everyone’s face. This gave people the choice to look further into what the verse says about the words or just to take the value of the word by itself.

Digital Mockups:
After solidifying my design on paper, I began to create digital mockups of them in Photoshop. I kept pretty close to the standard Hello" sticker layout that is seen the most when it comes to these stickers. Incorporating bright and colorful backgrounds made them stand out when placed in public as their eye would be attracted to these fun colors.
The color selections for each word were based on what I felt represented a certain keyword. Since most people associate colors with certain things, I tried to pair up the words as best I could with what is typically corresponded with a certain word or feeling. This is clear with the "Loved" sticker as most often pink or red is connected with love.
I solidified the fonts for each keyword based on the qualities the words possess. For example, since "Resilient" is a word referring to withstanding and regaining strength from something, I chose a font that was not too bolded yet was enough to appear straight and strong.

Environmental Display:
After the digital design was completed, I was able to print out the stickers myself with sticker paper and cut them down to the right size. This process took many attempts as the printers I used were old and had a high chance of printing the design weird. I rounded the corners of each sticker to make them appear more like the Hello stickers you usually see for events.
I made around 5 sets (40 stickers total) to place around in public environments and also share some with my bible study group. High communal spots were picked around the UW-Eau Claire campus to place my stickers. Some were placed without the back taken off and laying on surfaces while others stuck to poles on easily removable surfaces.
Displaying them in this way allowed them to be stuck or placed in public spaces so people passing can see them or take them if they choose. I had to make sure that the places I adhered them to were places that were acceptable to the university.